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Protecting Young Trees from the Cold
Experiencing all the “first-times” is one of the pleasures whenever you plant a young tree. These “first-times” include the first flush of delicious fruit, the first color change in fall, and the first bud break in spring.

Of course, you simply can’t skip the first winter of your tree. For those who don’t know, a young tree will have a hard time getting through. Compared to mature ones, they’re much more susceptible to winter damage. Thus, to bear the elements, they will require help from you and a tree service Macon GA Company.
When to Cover Plants
As long as the temperature is 30°F or higher, almost every plant is simply fine. Freeze damage could occur whenever the temperature drops down to 29°F to 20°F. Whenever temperatures drop under 20°F, plants are certainly at risk.
Before the temperature is steadily below 30°F, you can protect your plants using burlap or tree guards to be safe.
Protecting Young Shrubs from the Cold
To generate a privacy curtain around our yards, people often plant shrubs. However, to do their job, the shrubs should be in excellent condition.
Here are several steps that you can do to protect shrubs against winter damage.
- To protect them against harsh wind, wrap shrubs using loose material such as burlap.
- Cover the bed of the shrub in a 2 up to 4 inches layer of mulch to seal in moisture.
- Water the shrubs thoroughly all the way up until the water freezes the ground.
Protecting Trees from the Cold
Protecting young trees from severe elements is the key to protecting them from winter damage. This means that you have to protect them from the roots up to the top of the canopy.
Sunscald is a common problem that can be typically found in fruit trees or trees with thin bark. These types of trees are extremely susceptible to this issue.
However, unfortunately, it does not stop there. Cold temperatures can also damage the buds of a fruit tree. This makes it more difficult for your tree to create fruit next spring.
However, it is possible to protect young fruit trees in the winter. This is especially true if you are proactive. Here are several things you should do before temperatures drop:
- For fruit trees, you should utilize a frost shield, also called antitranspirant. You can coat the tree with a protective film that helps lower moisture loss if you spray it using a frost shield.
- Use plastic tree guard or any other dense shielding tree wrap you can look for at a garden shop and wrap it around the trunk of the tree. You can easily prevent sunscald if you do this.
Whenever the temperature drops suddenly, no trees can respond well. However, if minor springtime elements become cold shortly, young trees can really take a hit. To help your trees from the shock of a late spring frost, you have to plan ahead and prepare tools such as burlap and mulch. You can follow the tips mentioned above to protect your tree from frost.
Can Pressure Wash Damage Your Home?
A lot of people ask if pressure washing can damage their homes. Well, the truth is that it can indeed do damage. However, you can prevent it from doing damage. All you’ve got to do is to follow some safety measures. If you do not have the right knowledge and experience of how to pressure wash a home, you can cause a lot of damage.

If not done properly, here are several types of damage pressure washing can do:
- Stone and wood surfaces can be cracked or splintered.
- Paint can be unnecessarily discolored or eliminated.
- Shutters, shingles, siding, and more can be eliminated or dented accidentally.
- Water can build up below the side of a house. This will cause the growth of mildew and mold.
Pressure Washing Methods
In pressure washing, there is a skill and science that you’ve got to practice. It is just like playing golf. You have to follow several techniques in order for you to swing the golf club properly. Though pressure washing might not be that complicated, it does need quite a bit of knowledge and practice.
For instance, let us say you are pressure washing a siding. For those who don’t know, vinyl siding has gaps in between every segment. Water has a high chance of flowing behind the siding if you pressure wash where the gaps and exposed and against the grain. As a homeowner, it will be nearly impossible for you to know if you are pressure washing your house for the first time.
Pressure Washing from a Safe Distance
It is crucial that you consider the distance between the surfaces being cleaned to the power washing wand. What do you think will happen if you use a high amount of water pressure 2 inches from the deck’s surface? You will definitely eliminate any dirt. However, you will also discolor, scratch, and mark the surface. That isn’t great.
You can determine the distance by the surface being washed. Stucco is different compared to vinyl siding. Brick is different compared to concrete patios. You have to consider this.
Using the Right Amount of Pressure
Oftentimes, power washing and pressure washing are two terms that are interchangeably used. The reason for this is that they utilize pressure to clean a surface. However, the pressure is not always an excellent thing. Usually, if you have high pressure on your machine, you will also have a high risk of damaging your house.
Particular surfaces can handle a quite huge amount of pressure. This includes concrete. Oftentimes, it is necessary to get rid of winter, grime, and dirt buildup and clean its deep pores. On the other hand, other surfaces shouldn’t be treated the same way. This includes roof shingles.
Avoiding Damage
Pressure washing is best left to the experts with so much at stake. When you want to pressure wash your home, it is best to contact a professional pressure washing McKinney TX Company. They have the right tools and knowledge to do the job properly without damaging your property.
Decent Fencing Etiquette that Makes Great Neighbors
Repairing or installing your fence does not really need to be complex. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of things that you can do to make the fencing procedure go smoothly. Below are a few tips for fence etiquette that you may need to think about as you plan for your next fencing project:

Talk to your neighbors
If you are thinking about replacing or installing a fencing Augusta GA of your home, make sure to apply decent fencing etiquette and take a few times to let your neighbors be aware of the changes that you are planning to do. Doing this won’t be just respectful, but it can also guarantee that there won’t be any surprises as your construction starts. They may consider the building phase as annoying, particularly when they are caught off guard. If this is the case, this can add in any troubles with your neighbors along with the ways.
Hence, the best option would be to discuss with your neighbors regarding your plans and let them express whatever issues they have in terms of the design.
Check with your HOA
When you’re living in a community with a housing covenant or an association for the property owners, there will typically be a bunch of guidelines that limit what you can or can’t do with your home. Such contracts are passed in order to uphold the home values within that place. Particular design factors like the style or type of fence and the stain color can be decided by the homeowner’s association. Sometimes, you might have to get permission from the HOA before you can install your fencing legally. Once you live in this type of community, you have to carefully look at your deed before you establish your plans for your fencing project and actually start building.
Check local laws
Laws can differ from one state to another and one city to another. Hence, you need to guarantee to inspect the local news before you construct a visible and physical boundary between you and your neighbors. Your area’s zoning laws may put some limits on what you can’t and can do with your fencing. For instance, when you’ve owned a corner lot, you may be constrained on how high you can make your fence to avoid blocking the field of vision of every motorist. To be secure, inspect with your local zoning office before you can get permits and begin any fencing work you want to complete.
Boundary line
It would be best to invest the money and time in a surveyor today than to expose yourself to a lot of issues later on. As you install a fence, the general rule is to construct 1-2 ft. within your property line. Doing this will resolutely prove that the fence is within your boundary. On top of that, it will give you sufficient area where you can access your fence’s exterior without entering the property of your neighbor.
How to Maintain Your Well during Fall Season?
Now that summer is starting to set in soon, it only means that now is the ideal time for property owners to guarantee that everything is under control and in tip-top shape before the chilly weather starts to come in. This is particularly true for your well. The maintenance of your well differs from one season to another. Well Drilling Augusta GA would like you to know how you can keep up this important feature of your property during this season. Below are some of the tips about taking care of your wells especially during the fall season:

Maintain the problems of your indoor water
You should not wait any longer for you to fix leaking toilets or faucets. These leaks can waste the water in your well that could be a problem during the drought season. Simultaneously, you should refrain from leaving the water running. Whether you are washing dishes, washing your face, or brushing your teeth, make sure to turn off your faucets. Fall is usually a dry season, which means you need to keep up enough water supply all the time.
Take care of outdoor problems as well
Make sure to have your good pump checked right now before it’s too late. You do not want to encounter a breakdown amidst a cold season. You need to understand how things work and how to change your good pump if needed. You should also consider cleaning up leaves nearby your home to maintain to have pure water as much as possible.
Use your household appliances wisely
In terms of appliances, such as your washing machine or dishwasher, you just have to turn them on once they are fully loaded. You would be amazed by the amount of water that this technique can save.
How can you safeguard your well water from contaminants?
Schedule assessments for your well water
Homeowners are usually advised to have a regular water test schedule for your water well. This is highly recommended by the experts since it’s the greatest means of guaranteeing water consistency every year. But, you must consider contacting for a test all the time, most especially if you think that the water in your well is contaminated.
Pay attention to all the activities happening surrounding you well.
Every good owner should know that is occurring all over their home and around your well. Refrain from disposing of waste near your well as well. Make sure that runoff will flow away from the well through sloping the land. If there is ongoing construction online, you have to be alert and cautious. As much as possible stay hazardous chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides, which are far from the well site. Guarantee that you are regularly taking care of your septic system because septic issues could harm your well water quality. Aside from that, make sure to read more of our articles and be updated regarding possible water pollutants. For more insightful information, visit our website daily.
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